The rink will be closed for the next couple of weeks as we start some upgrades. Please check back for our re-opening dates.
Today's Schedule
Figure Skating Coaching Staff
Stephanie Miller
Figure Skating Director
Teaches MIF, Freestyle, Pairs and Hockey
Coach to numerous Freestyle, Figures and MIF USFS Gold Medalist
Coach of National and International Champions
Over 30 years coaching
Email Stephanie
Jessica Miller
Learn to Skate Director
Coaches Learn to Skate, Freestyle, MIF, Pairs and Hockey
Gold Medalist in Freestyle, MIF and Pairs
National Team Member
International Competitor and Grand Prix Medalist
World Professional Skater
Email Jessica
Deb Miller
Coaches Choreography, Freestyle and MIF
Coached multiple Freestyle and MIF USFS Gold Medalist
26 years Coaching
USFS Freestyle and Figures Gold Medalist
Ice Capades performer
Email Deb
Mike Berg
Specializes in Jumps, Spins, Choreography
Regional, Sectional and National competitor
World Professional Skater
Email Mike
Susan Wieser
Coaches Learn to Skate, Freestyle, MIF and Dance
US and Canadian Gold Medalist - Dance
Over 30 years Coaching
National Level Coach
Email Susan